
Here are a few tools that we use here at BAC to help us grow in our our mission of Loving God, Loving People and Loving Life.

We hope you find these resources helpful. If you have any questions, please contact the church office!

Spiritual Gifts Inventory

One tool we use is a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. This inventory helps each of us get a better idea of what spiritual gifts we may have so that we can use them for the building up of others both within the church and with those who aren’t yet a part of our BAC family. Click the button below which will take you to a partner organization of ours, and take the online inventory! Spiritual Gifts Inventory


A Safe Place Prayer

This is a prayer to invite Jesus into a safe place. It’s used for meditation on Jesus. Please listen as Steph Bischoff walks us through this meaningful experience with the Holy Spirit.

Prayers for Anxious Times

Below are prayers and meditations that we will be updating from time to time. Take a few moments and engage with these ways to center yourself on Jesus!

For a written out description of the prayer experiences for Encounter, click here.

Communion Invitation

In this video below, it calls us back and invites us into practicing communion how it originally was celebrated. Watch, reflect, celebrate together as family and friends.